So since we (me and little baby B) came downstairs at 6.25am this morning, which is most definitely considered a lie in if the last 19 months is anything to go by, he has chosen to play with an onion, my handbag, an empty milk carton and three nappies (un-used).
The nappies he packed in his little nursery racksack, blew me a kiss, said ‘goodbye mumma’ and went to stand patiently by the front door. Good that he knew to take some essentials with him.
As I type, he is sitting next to me watching the music video for the Lumineers song ‘Ho Hey’ on my iphone. He has told us, without being to actually say it, that in no uncertain terms this is his favourite song. He even knows the words, periodically shouting ‘ho’ and ‘hey’ in time with the music.
Moral of the post is – there may be no need to buy anymore plastic cars or nursery rhyme CD’s – an onion and You Tube is just as effective!