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This article was written on 15 Oct 2013, and is filled under Everyday Baby.

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Winter skin is coming. Enter Comfort Bath Therapy.

Winter skin. You know the skin I mean, pale, dry and just generally lacking that bounce that only comes with exposure to some sun and vitamin C.

I have always suffered with dry skin and eczema. I used to blame it on my mum as from an early age she used to plaster me in cream. It is my theory that my skin became so used to the cream that it now cannot survive without it. If I don’t moisturise within minutes of getting out of the shower I begin to dry up like a raisin in the sun!

Anyway, I digress. Baby B has sadly started showing signs of eczema. Mainly in his joints and nothing major at this point but I can see that it worsens when it is cold. In light of this I began some motherly research into whats best to both prevent and treat dry skin and eczema.

Step forward Oiltum, who in rather timely fashion, have produced this helpful booklet titled ‘Comfort Skin Therapy’. I have attached a PDF version here CST Booklet

It is full of useful tips and information on what you can do to make bath time easier and to help sooth your child’s skin. One which was relevant to us is to stop using bubble bath as it won’t help his skin, so we will be swapping to use an emollient to see if it makes any difference.

I bath Baby B every night if I can as it is a valuable part of his bedtime routine but he is starting to oppose the bath and I can imagine that this is even harder if your child is suffering from eczema and the bath genuinely irritates the skin causing discomfort.

So on that note, I leave you with one of Baby B’s party tricks.

Takes skill you know!

Takes skill you know!

Having bathing everyone.





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