Up All Hours


This article was written on 31 Dec 2014, and is filled under Everyday Parent.

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New Year Reflections

It’s that time again. A time for New Year’s resolutions but for the moment, New Year reflections. The time when one looks back at the year thats been, the highs and the lows, the fun times and the sad. The big events and the meaningful small moments. How much the children have grown and the oldies have aged.

Bye 2014

The turn of a New Year seems to make people all ‘philosophical’. Me included. It seems like the right thing to do – reflect. And from the reflections come the dreams, the ambitions and the promises for the following year. Along with a steely resolve to lose at least a stone before March!

For us, 2014 was one hell of a year. Challenging and stressful at times but also exciting and full of wonderful memories and experiences. The early part of the year saw amazing trips to Switzerland snowboarding and Sri Lanka sunbathing. We launched Up All Hours and I was on Radio 4’s Women’s Hour! Our little man turned 3 and has grown up way beyond his young years. Friends got married in Dorset and Denmark and my best mate got engaged. We worked a festival with Up All Hours and attended a festival with friends. We spent three wonderful weeks in Spain with my Nonna. There was hospital time, my Husband and B both having their tonsils out and my Mum spending a large chunk of December time in hospital and finally, we renovated our kitchen and got an AGA! Phew!

A brief and varied run down right there. There is so so much more. It is important to write memories down. It always surprises me how much I forget. OK, I have a notoriously bad memory but still. Even with all the social media and Instagram photos, the little moments can still be forgotten.

Writing this little post made me stop and think. Before you rush to write your New Years resolutions, take a moment for some New Year reflections. Perhaps it’s all the excessive food and drink over the last week talking, but I feel very blessed right now. I have a happy, healthy little family, a roof over my head and a fridge full of food. It is easy to get bogged down by the little things, the eternal pessimist in me often allows that to happen. A resolution for 2015 is to be thankful everyday and always remember how lucky we are.

Ask yourself......-Will it matter in a

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and sleep filled 2015.

One Comment

  1. life as our little family
    December 31, 2014

    Lovely post beautiful lady and I completely agree with reflections rather than resolutions x

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